Specialty Coffee

When Costa Rica became an independent country, in 1821, just one year after it had exported its first two bags of coffee to Panama, and for about the next century, coffee was literally our “golden bean” as it was the one and only economy of our country. Yes, coffee was 100% of our income as a country.

200 years of experience and trial, plus being the only country with a government law so that coffee is produced and sold sustainably, transparently and traceable, and the health and social guarantees of our country, add up to the value and exclusiveness of Costa Rican coffee, which is only around 0.8% of the coffee that exists worldwide.

We do not have tons of coffee to offer, but we have a few exclusive Specialty coffee jewels to share with you:

Our Guarantee: Traceability

Producer: Each coffee farmer imprints their pasion into the final product by implementing their unique practices and caring the trees with all their heart and effort.

Region: Costa Ricas small territory is very diverse. We have 8 different coffee producing regions on which the grounds have their unique characteristic, whether they are acid volcanic soils, or fertilized valleys. All the differences contribute to different taste profiles on the final product.

Micro region: Same coffee trees farmed on one side of the hill ot the other, will taste different for sure. Knowing where exactly the farm is, will give us more reasons for why the coffee tastes as it does.

Elevation: The higher up in the mountains, the more intense and complex the flavours are. Lower does not mean bad at all, but coffees are mild, balanced and aromatic.

Drying process: Coffee cherries could either be naturally dried for over a month as an entire fruit, with its peel, and have more sweetness and flavor complexity, or it could be dried withoud the peel but still with its honey attached for about three weeks and be very balanced, sweet and combine a couple fruit flavor notes. Last but not least, the cherries can be peeled and have their muscilage washed away and dried for a week or two, having brighter and more defined flavors of one or two fruit.

Tasting notes: These do not mean we have added any of the flavors to the coffee. It is what the coffee naturally tastes like due to all the variables mentioned above. These could vary depending on the extraction of brewing technique, but are meant to give you a clue of what the coffee will taste like.



Leiton Family, William & Wilfredy



Micro region

San Luis, Monteverde


3600 ft above sea level


Obata & CR95

Drying process


Tasting notes

Plumb, raisin, strawberry

Junto al río Mill:


Fernández Family


West Central Valley

Micro region

El Bureal, San Ramón


3900 ft above sea level


Obata & CR95

Drying process

Washed & Honey

Tasting notes

Chocolate, nuts, citrus

Where to find our coffee?

  • Available directly from our farm.
  • At Kaffi, our own specialty shop in town .
  • Zuccaro Coffee & Bakery shop downtown Santa Elena.
  • Shipped worldwide with DHL.

Let Us Fill Your Cup With Joy